Singing Guide: Black Veil Brides

Singing Guide: Black Veil Brides

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Black Veil Brides is a rock band with a unique brand of heavy metal. Their music offers a great opportunity to develop technique and build a powerful voice. Andy Biersack and the other members of the band bring a mix of heavy metal and glam rock style that requires a range of vocal techniques and a unique vocal aesthetic. Below are some tips on how to develop the vocal abilities necessary to sing like Black Veil Brides and some resources to help you in your journey.

  • Vocal Range and Registers: One of the essential things to sing like Black Veil Brides is understanding how to use your voice in your most powerful range and registers. This band requires a strong and powerful voice, which often involves shouting and screaming. You will need to strengthen your chest voice, as well as increasing your range, to hit high notes and add grit and power to your sound. Use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your vocal range and compare it to famous singers' vocal ranges to see what range you should be working towards.
  • Breathing and Support: To sing like Black Veil Brides, you need to have strong breath support to produce the amount of sound required. Use Singing Carrots' breathing basics article to learn about active and passive breathing and how your breath helps keep your voice strong and healthy. To build your breath support, practice vocal exercises like the Farinelli breathing exercise.
  • Pitch and Intonation: Because a lot of Black Veil Brides songs are in a minor key, there is a lot of room to play with pitch, especially during chorus lines. Along with improving your breath support, you should be working to develop your intonation and pitch accuracy. Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test is a great resource to determine how well you can match pitch.
  • Articulation and Resonance: To really capture the sound of Black Veil Brides' vocals, you need to work on your articulation and resonance. Exercises, like the Finger Bite, can help improve your articulation, while singing chest voice can help you develop a more blended sound, which is a characteristic of many Black Veil Brides' songs.


Building a heavy metal voice isn't easy, but with the right resources and practice, you can be headed towards your goal of singing like Black Veil Brides. Don't forget to take singing breaks and take care of your vocal health.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.